Is that the reason why I cannot deal with stress after a traumatic experience? (Book)

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Learn to identify the symptoms and dynamics of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and how to resolve them. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is essentially delayed stress or delayed grieving from overwhelming stress. The following excerpt is from the psychology book titled “Is That The Reason I Cannot Deal With Stress After A Traumatic Experience?” “The mammalian brain and the reptilian brain make up a large part of our subconscious processes. The subconscious area of our brain is responsible for 85% of our thinking. Only about 12-15% of processing occurs in the conscious area. These two brains operate on the principle of operant and classical conditioning, which was originally discovered by Pavlov. Pavlov found that if he gave a starving dog some food, which was an unconditioned stimulus, the dog would salivate, and this would be considered an unconditioned response. An unconditioned response happens naturally when a certain stimulus is present. The reason that dogs and humans begin to salivate when they perceive food, is that their mouths emit enzymes that assist in breaking down the food and getting a head start on digestion. If a bell is paired or presented with the food repeatedly, a conditioned stimulus status is acquired which creates the conditioned response of salivation. Eventually, the bell alone will cause the salivation. That means, that at some point if a human being has been conditioned in this manner, their consciousness can be told that the bell will no longer bring them food, making salivation pointless. However, the person will automatically salivate anyway at the sound of the bell because of the conditioning of these two primitive brains.” By Jef Gazley MS, LMFT 2005