Email Therapy Counseling Online

Email Therapy Counseling Online Q&A

Email counseling is a convenient and effective way to resolve problems. You may email counseling questions to both therapists and the medical staff and receive detailed answers within 24-48 hours (depending on the availability of the therapist/counselor) for $40 an e-therapy question with any therapist from Group 1. Therapists in Group 2 charge $50 per e-mail question.

Clients often feel much less self-conscious with this type of medical session and are more apt to share very personal issues without worry. Your therapist has access to encrypted email for extra security. Encrypted email software is embedded in our systems. Explore this revolutionary form of e-therapy! To set an appointment click below.


30 min. Email Session (Group 1) - $40.00
30 min. Email Session (Group 2) - $50.00


If you desire either a chat counseling, phone therapy, or video counseling session simply click on an available time set by a therapist on that staff member's calendar.

E-mail counseling and medical information sessions are both something brand new and incredibly old. It is old in the sense that whenever people have been separated by distance the most trusted and reliable form of communication has been through the written word. Unfortunately, traditionally it was usually very slow. The new form, e-therapy, is extremely fast and reliable. This promotes greater connections with people than ever before. It is a very affordable way to communicate. It shrinks the world in truly amazing ways. This form of communication allows people in rural areas or who otherwise have transportation problems to still have access to specialists in the counseling and medical fields. This particular kind of health care communication makes it much less likely that you will forget what you wanted to tell your doctor or counselor. You can take your time and really define how you feel and what symptoms are bothering you without feeling like the health care professional is in too much of a hurry to listen.


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